Achieve and Enrich

Our Achieve and Enrich afternoons are a wonderful tradition of Moorlands Junior School!

Children have the opportunity to work in small groups with others year groups and classes, improving their social interaction.

During A & E all children have the opportunity to work in small groups with other year groups and classes and in a variety of activities planned and organised by the teaching staff and outside agencies. Use is made of the greater flexibility schools now have in organising their timetable. Time is devoted to provide a broader curriculum with attention given to the arts, sport and development of the whole child. Activities offered have included; card making, gardening, cooking, French, multi-sports, 3D art, sewing, first aid and cricket.


We warmly welcome adult helpers to our A & E afternoons and also, during the summer term, we invite year 2 children from Templemoor as part of their transition.