Our Curriculum

Moorlands Junior School provides its pupils with a rich, broad and balanced curriculum which meets fully the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum for England and the requirement to teach Religious Education.

In September 2014 the new National Curriculum for all schools was introduced. This sets out the most important knowledge, skills and understanding that each year group must access in both core and non-core subjects.

These subjects include English, mathematics, art, music, physical education (PE), computing, history, geography, science, design and technology (DT), modern foreign languages (MFL) personal, social health education (PSHE.)

You can view the framework by clicking on the following link National Curriculum 2014 .

For religious education (RE) the subject content for each year group is based upon the Trafford LA Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and SACRE guidelines.

In addition to the National Curriculum the school provides a wide range of visits and extra-curricular opportunities plus additional activities which include music, sport and the Arts.

Where children have special needs or disability we make provision for them so that they too can flourish.

We encourage children to be keen, enthusiastic, independent learners and we give them lots of opportunities to develop their inter-personal skills by working and co-operating with others. Through the curriculum we build their self-esteem and self-confidence. This is supported by our weekly Achieve and Enrichment afternoons (affectionately known as A&E by the children) which provide opportunities for all children to work in vertically aged groups and to explore a variety of creative, sporting or mindfulness activities.