
Here at Moorlands, science is timetabled and taught weekly for two hours. We enjoy a teaching science with the Plymouth Science Scheme which allows the children to learn through a hands on approach wherever possible. 

During science lessons our children have the opportunity to develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding of the different strands of science. Through scientific enquiry they explore the world around them and develop a deeper understanding of how the science is applied in the real world.

Children learn to work scientifically: setting up experiments, making observations and drawing conclusions.


As well as teaching the science curriculum, we also enjoy other science based activities through the year. We have celebrated Science Week as a whole school science enquiry day, carrying out investigations such as which biscuit is the best for dunking! There was so much excitement that day where the children dunked hundreds of biscuits in warm water. In fact, they still talk about it now! This academic year we have introduced science weeks with our first one in January 2024. 
We also provide the children with extra curricular science opportunities. Mrs Norbury and Miss Harrison run a STEM club on Tuesday afternoons after school, where we focus on ways to improve the world. We have completed many recycling projects and created useful items through upcycling, as well as thinking about ways to help the oceans, improve housing for the future and considering renewable energy sources. Once a year Mad Science visit the school and provide the children with a messy science club. This is always a firm favourite!
Please keep your eyes out on the news letter for our exciting science opportunities throughout the year.